How Osun Arts can support your school’s Artsmark journey?

The Osun Arts Foundation wanted every child to have a chance to discover their practical abilities, develop their creative talents, and become a maker of the future.

We are an arts and cultural organisation that offer Artsmark Schools opportunities to enhance their provision and encourage new schools to join Artmark programme.

Our aims are to:

  • Engage and build new audiences through schools and families.
  • Presenting our current cultural offer against Artsmark criteria.
  • A framework to support development of School’s Children and Young People (CYP) with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, offer and respond to the Cultural Education Challenge offering exciting arts and cultural activities for schools.
  • We aim to Gain a better understanding of the specific needs and priorities of education settings.
  • We particularly through our Cultural Offer wanted to develop deeper and longer term relationships with education settings.
  • And finally, contribute to, and benefit from, signposting and sharing of best practice with other partner organisations.

This vision is rooted in the knowledge that Osun Arts Foundation impacted skills can lead to the possibility of achieving diverse careers and creative satisfaction throughout life.
As an Artsmark partner, we’re committed to providing information and support to help schools embed African arts and Culture into their curriculum and the school’s Artmark offer.

Osun Arts covers a range of workshops, using variety of props, costumes and other arts materials like clay, textile dyes and poster colours.
Our processes are a mixture of traditional and innovative approaches, call and responses, demonstrations (including digital), but always include impacting skills and creativity.

How Osun Arts can help your school achieve this Artsmark objective?

Resources and Support:
Cultural education is vital to young people’s creative development.
It develops their new ways of thinking, can engage disengaged them, and embeds experience of working with materials and listening to stories. It fosters persistence, creative thinking, and help solving problems as children develops.
Making it happen:
Go to other areas of our website for detailed areas that we cover and pick any activity or activities that you require:
Our works demonstrate an ongoing commitment to quality and diversity in arts and culture education across all areas of our educational workshops and with clear milestones and measurements.